Hello All ~
Here is our wonderful miracle.
We went in for another ultrasound this past Wednesday, the 21st of Feb. Little Fredrick is looking great:) and as active as ever.
Above: In this picture we are being given a thumbs up by the baby. What a precious child reassuring us everything is great:)

Above: Is a picture of the baby's face
When the radiology tech. first put the ultrasound wand down on my belly the baby tried to push her away. I wasn't sure if that was the baby's intention or if we just caught movement so she took the wand off and placed it down again. Sure enough little Fredrick used his forearm and fist to try and push the wand away. When that was unsuccessful the baby said fine and flipped over to her back. We may have a head strong child, but I must say he would get it honestly he he (I used his and her interchangeable since I would rather not label my child as an it)
To the right: Once again there is a picture of the baby's face. A face, that though it may look more like an alien than a cute baby, I have fallen in love with.
Throughout the whole ultrasound the baby kept moving. So much so that the tech was having a hard time getting some of the pictures she needed. It was fascinating to see the four chambers of the heart fluttering away, to see the little hands and feet so miniature but perfect. One shot we were able to see the spinal cord all the way from the baby's head to the tailbone - it was so neat you could see the curve and the tailbone go into a point. I thought the spinal column looked like piano keys. It was amazing to see my child again. I can't wait until I get to meet my baby away from ultrasound rooms:)
The radiology tech said that she could tell the gender of the baby. Rory and I closed our eyes every time she went down to the pelvis region to measure the legs, bladder etc... We still don't know. I must say it has irked me a little that someone out there knows what gender my baby is but I don't. I still want to be surprised though so it is all good.