The way the tides work this time of year "tidal pools" are left in the middle of the beach surrounded by sand. Which make perfect play areas for the little one meaning of course that is where we are all hanging out - no waves or undertows :)
Gau-Gau & Kaelyn. Actually that should read Super Gau-Gau the fiddler crab catcher! Thanks for catching the fiddler crab for Dylan and I on Friday. We were impressed!
Best Parents in the World! Yes, I am totally biased!! I love you both so very much and am beyond thankful to have you in my life.
Kaelyn and Dylan in their super duper paper towel bandannas
Lean on me...
Addi and Dylan playing Othello with Pops.
Dylan you should go there next.
Aunt Nikki, Uncle Michael and Dylan's cousins bought him a remote control hemi truck for his birthday. It was a hit with all ages!
Yes Rory did come on this trip with us thank goodness! I must admit the only picture I have of my handsome man he looks like a dot out boogie boarding - sorry honey