A proud big brother and his little smiley cheeks sister.
This picture captures Sydnei's personality perfectly! She really is our smiley cheeks. Sydnei wakes up with a smile and goes to bed with a smile having very few tears in between times. We were told that Dylan was our sucker baby because he was so happy, content and overall a blessing. He was going to sucker us into having another child and then we would be shocked to find out what babies can be like. Praise the Lord we were "suckered" into another baby and she is just as happy, content and overall a blessing. I call her my little ray of sunshine!

This is Sydnei's preferred way of relaxing in her high chair. One leg up on the tray and her two middle fingers in her mouth. Those fingers can often be found in her mouth:) Aside from her obvious skill of sucking on her fingers, Sydnei likes to blow bubbles with her saliva and make motor boat sounds. She has conquered rolling from her tummy to her back as well as from her back to her tummy. One day her Daddy found that she had scooted herself from the center of her room to under her changing table. Being the loving Daddy that he is Rory saved her and didn't go get the camera for a picture;) Sydnei also giggles and laughs for us and it is one of the best sounds in the house along with her big brothers laugher. You can't help but laugh along with Sydnei when she gets going no matter how sad you may be. It is just perfect!

Bath time with her fingers in her mouth;)
I promise that I do pull them out to make sure they get washed.

April 10- 4 months old.
Her stats from the Doctors visit were - 13 lbs 7.5 oz (50%) 26 inches in height (90-95%)

Sydnei all dressed up for church wearing her first pair of shoes and looking concerned about being stuck in the bumbo. Though as many of you know I am more of an athletic tom boy and not much of a girly girl, I do love dressing my little lady up though still not in a barrage of pink.
(Sorry that I skipped posting Sydnei's 3 mon milestone pictures but life has been very busy here)