I am feeling large and not so in charge of my body. Little Fredrick is definitely in charge!
We are in the middle of week 28. WebMD says that the baby is about two and a half pounds and 15.75 inches (Wow that is a lot of inches to have stuffed in my stomach) At this point the baby has REM cycles so he could very well be dreaming during sleep (about what - I have no idea) and she has the ability to open and close her eyes which already have full eye lashes. (I am interchanging he she so I don't have to call my precious child it)
Baby Fredrick has found a new game - lets hurt Mom. The kicking/punching/elbowing or kneeing is getting much stronger to the point where at times it can be painful if well aimed. A couple nights ago the baby found my ribs. Oh I wish that my little one never knew that I had ribs. A hand or foot wedged right up under my ribs on my right side as I was trying to sleep (try is the key word these days) It felt as though someone was trying to rip my ribs off the side of the my body. Thankfully when I moved positions and kneaded the area little Fredrick moved to another position. All in a days work when it comes to growing a child:)
Ooh I see your belly button poking out!!! You may feel huge but you look GREAT. Wish I could give baby Fredrick a little rubbing!
It won't be long now- 12 more weeks!
Love you all!
You look too cute! Enjoy the kicking now, because later in life it isn't soo cute... he he he
You are cute! I know what you mean by having your body taken over- that's why I never mind trading middle of the night feedings for all night restlessness.
That was funny what you said about the dreams! When our babies were little and would cry in the night, I would say that maybe they had a nightmare. Scott would say, "About what, the milk running out? What do they know to be scared of?"
You look fabulous! I miss when Madalyn would swim around and kick me... it was such a wonderful feeling. (But not nearly as wonderful as being able to hold them close to you!) These next 12 weeks will fly by for you....
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