Dyan rolled over! This happened right on Oct 24. He had help in that he was up on his tummy time pillow. I was watching him as he kept inching over to the left side grunting the whole time. I got up thinking he was going to want to flip over. Then oops he was over on his back and the look was priceless. His eyes were wide open and he was looking at me like what did I just do and how did I get on my back. Oh how I wish I could print images out of my brain - it was beyond precious.

Dylan is holding onto everything he possibly can. He has gotten a hold of mommy's hair but only once. Yes, I know it is only the beginning and I will feel like I am back in kindergarten getting my hair pulled by the mean boys. At least I will know that it's my son learning how to have a great grip so he can hold onto the football when and if he gets sacked:) Ok ok so it could be a great grip to hold onto the chess pieces as well:)
Below he is loving on his pal Al (no I didn't make that up it is the name of the toy)Here Dylan is holding onto his alphabet links that the Martin family gave him. Before Rory left on this last underway, he put the links together to spell Dylan. This dear boy doesn't let go of them once he gets his hands on them. I carried him upstairs while he was sleeping and oh yeah he was still holding onto the links from Daddy. I think he loves them because Daddy put them together for him:)
(Yes, they are headed to his mouth everything heads to his mouth. Which is ok since I learned that a baby has 9 thousand sensory receptors on their tongue. No wonder everything goes to their mouths. I just have to keep an eye out for what he gets his hands on. Eventually that will be easier said then done)
Dylan can get very serious when he is in his bouncy seat - it is precious to watch him learn cause and effect. If you can't tell he is holding onto both the monkey and the bird because if he moves them the music will play and the waterfall will light up. He also uses his knees to hit the animals if his hands are other wise preoccupied - as in he is sucking on them Dylan's muscles have gotten so much stronger and he is very good at holding his head up. He used to hate tummy time because he couldn't see enough now he is very content. When Dylan starts to get tired he will let you know with these very pathetically cute grunting noises.
Sometimes I call Dylan Mr Happiness
- he truly is a very happy baby and for that I am extremely thankful to his Creator. The cutest is that he will laugh in his sleep. The first time I heard him, he was in his carrier at the store sleeping away and all of the sudden I hear him laugh. I looked down expecting to see him watching me but nope he was sleeping. I start laughing because that is just too cute and there he goes again laughing away without waking up. Today he fell asleep in my shoulder with his little face nestled in my neck. After a little while I felt him laughing into my neck of course I started laughing as well and woke him up. He only woke up enough to pull his head up look at me then lay his head back down for more shut eye.
Dylan has also learned the art of blowing bubbles with his saliva. Not something I have taken a picture of - I like to wipe away the evidence not document the talent:) The milestone book that I read said that is actually something learned - uhmm not sure why you need to learn that talent.
Overall my son is such a joy and I am so blessed to be able to watch him live and learn
1 comment:
Kim, those pictures are adorable. Gosh I wish we lived closer!!
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