I thought I would be taking a couple precious pictures of a child thrilled to be eating bananas after all the veggies mom has been serving up. I did get some great pictures but not at all what I had in mind as you can see.

Now it looks like Mom just feed her precious angel zucchini oh wait Dylan loves zucchini
Maybe it was a lemon???
Here is the proof - this was bananas!!!
After one bite little man signed a real grown up type sigh. It said in not so many words - "OK, I got through that! What is this woman going to throw at me next?"
Can you imagine if I had fed my child bananas first like so many people successfully have. Dear Dylan would never have trusted me again to give him food.
Of course being the sweet child that he is Dylan ate all the banana that mom had for his dinner. I am sure he will get used to it and one day maybe even love bananas - we will see.
For now his heart lies with the wide variety of squash he has eaten.