This boy is working so very hard at crawling. As you can see in the above pictures he does get up on all fours. When up there he rocks back and forth then falls down to his tummy and goes about his business - which is now getting into everything he can. I know, I know he hasn't even begun to show me what really getting into thing is all about.

Notice in the bottom picture Dylan pulling Rory's hair - yeah he loves to pull hair, twist hair around his finger and try to eat it. (obviously the twisting and eating he is trying to do with my hair)

Here is our goof ball - one of his new things is to stick his tongue out and around the corner of his lips. He plays with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth - odd but precious (of course I am the mom saying that is precious)

Peek-a-boo. Little man can scoot backwards very well! He could win the backward scooting 100meters if we would let him, but we are waiting and training him for the 400. When we are in the office he always seems to end up under the couch - he seems to think that is his secret spot:) For those of you who know about his love affair with wood, I think that is what is so attractive about under the couch. The couch has wooden supports and legs - so Dylan just scoots right on back under the couch to admire the craftsmanship.
Such a cutie!!! I am missing my favorite nephew and his parents :o)
Hey honey, these pictures are awesome!! Thanks for keeping me updated while I am out here floating around. I miss you guys!
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