It is hard to believe but it is already April 2008. A month that for so long seems to loom in our future as the time when our wonderful Rory would say Sayonara. He would be heading off to Japan via stops at "exotic" ports. Aah the life of a Navy Sailor. As many of you know it isn't all that romantic and wonderful. What is wonderful is that we have men and women who freely volunteer to defend our Precious Freedom.
We took some pictures the day (April 6th) that we had to take Rory to the ship. Being in the nuclear department he had to be on board the night before they were scheduled to take off.
In the following 3 pictures I tried to capture a game that Daddy and Dylan play. Dylan likes to grab at the Florida emblem on Rory's hat which causes the hat to hide Rory's face. Then Dylan grabs the bill of the cap and pulls up trying to see Daddy's face. Back and forth back and forth hat then face. All the while Dylan is giggling and smiling. This game could go on forever it is too adorable!

Dylan also gets a kick out of sitting up on Daddy's shoulders. He will squeal with pleasure letting everyone around know that he is king of the world when sitting up on his Daddy's strong shoulders!

We are already missing Rory/Daddy. I know that it is tough for those of us left behind, but I believe Rory is the one making the greatest sacrifice. He is leaving behind his family and comforable life to be on board the USS George Washington living in conditions that oh man I know I could not handle. Can you imagine? I will have to post some pictures of his living quarters called berthing so you can see how cramped he is. Rory has my deep respect and undying love!!! He may be sick of the Navy life but he made a commitment and is sticking with it. We need more people of that quality in this country. Whenever you think of him please pray for his safety and well being.
We love you Rory and miss you!!