We interrupt our regularly scheduled Florida picture postings to bring you the "Dylan 9 months update" We will get back to the Florida pictures after this post.
4-24 We started the morning by giving Dylan the opportunity to try and feed himself. Though this child excels at many things on the first or second try this was not one of them. He pushed the banana pieces around on his highchair tray even mushed a few in his hand but never brought anything to his mouth - uhmm. All of his toys go straight to his mouth but not food. After he concentrated on the strange things on his tray he looked to me to feed him breakfast. We will keep working on it. Maybe the motivation will come when I have zucchini in front of the dear child.

As you can see Dylan was my helper yesterday.
We folded laundry and took rides in the laundry basket. Dylan protected my laundry by sitting on it from the kitchen all the way upstairs to his room.
He also thought he would be oh so helpful in the office filing paid bills. The last picture shows how serious he was about getting each one in the correct file or maybe he was checking up on me making sure I filed correctly.

This morning we were in to see the Doc.
A regular check up for our growing boy.
* 20 lbs and 12 oz (50th percentile)
* 29 inches tall (75th percentile)
* Head circumference 47cm (75th percentile)
Dylan decided to impress the Dr and give her a real good laugh by showing her how he can give you five when asked. It was funny because she really got a good laugh out of the one and asked to see it again. When she was leaving the room she came over and asked Dylan for 5 and he obliged which sent her out of the room laughing.
Today he also had his hemoglobin test done - 11.3 he is doing great. Interestingly enough our tough skinned boy made the Dr move the needle size up. Instead of going to the lab to get his blood taken via an iv we had it done in the office with a prick of his finger. The Dr had to try twice with the needle that was used for children Dylan's age. Each time the contraption would snap the needle down onto his finger and Dylan would just sitting there staring at the Doc. So the Doctor said fine I guess we have to change the needle to a bigger one. We changed the needle and snap down in went again into his finger. Ah this time there was blood but good ol' Dylan was still just starring at the Doctor wondering what she was doing holding his hand this long. He had absolutely no reaction to getting pricked by the needle then having the blood squeezed out of his finger onto a slide.
What a champ!!
Oh my gosh, Kim, he is so handsome and grown up!! Look at that mouth full of teeth!! I hate how fast they grow and change the first year... but he is so stinking cute I just want to squeeze him!!
Love you and miss you guys!
These pictures made me laugh - I love the one of him looking so serious in his filing duties :o) He is going to have to teach his cousin Trey how to be such a good helper. Love you - Meg
Super Cute! xoxoxo
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