Dylan tried cheerios on May 4th.
The very first one he grasp off the tray went to his mouth. See the above & below picture:) I guess babies are hot wired to know what to do with cheerios.

After eating the first one, Dylan pushed the cheerios around on the tray. He tried crushing them in his hand and even shot one off the tray onto the floor. I put the next one in his mouth and away he went eating the rest on his own.

Here he is making sure after eating some that these really were OK to put into his mouth:)
At one point Dylan started talking to the cheerios and has every day since.

At times, Dylan tries to put two in his mouth at one time - one from each hand. Usually he is only successful getting one in his mouth and the other falls in his lap. He also likes to pick up as many as he can and hold them in his hand while trying to put just one in his mouth. After he is successful with getting one in his mouth while holding the rest he looks at me to give him more. I guess he forgets he is holding the other ones.

He also holds the cheerios on the knuckle of his thumb with his index finger wrapped around it brings it to his mouth holds it there and chews.
So cute! Savannah never liked Cheerios (and still doesn't, weird!) She was a HUGE fan of fruit puffs, though- they are basically the same thing but maybe a little softer? Poor kid didn't get teeth until she was 1!
That was great narrating...I enjoyed the pictures and facial expressions. My favorite was the two arms up cheer for himself at the end. GO DYLAN!! Love you guys.
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