Following the good advice of our travel agent we decided to head over to Manly via the the Manly Ferry. Paul had told us to skip the harbour cruises and instead to use the local ferry.
There were awesome views from the ferry as you can see from the pictures

Not much you can do when the pole is part of the ferry and there was no room to have Rory move over.
After a lovely ferry ride full of spectacular views we made it to Manly.

My kind of picture- Christmas decorations and palm trees not to mention the handsome man and cutie giving him a hug!
The next pictures are two of my favorite! 
As you can see Dylan had a wonderful time at the beach!
On the way back into Sydney we went right through the middle of a sailboat race. There were literally hundreds of sailboats!

As you can imagine Rory was loving it and missing sailing with his Dad.

After spending time at the beach we cleaned up and headed to the Shangri-la. It is a hotel with a bar on the 36th floor with amazing views of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House.
The nerd in me had to add this photo. Of course it was also the nerd in me who took the picture. I am new to the world traveling business and therefore have never seen a rent-a-toilet. You have to pay for this toilet and you only get 20 minutes. Wonder what happens when the time is up?
Look at these handsome chaps!
Below are views from the Blue Horizon

Our time went too quickly in Sydney! We will have to say that out of the 3 destinations Sydney was our favorite! Maybe someday we will have the opportunity to go back.

Below are views from the Blue Horizon

This next picture we saw at the airport as we were heading to Cairns - made us stop and ponder for a moment:) At least they are honest!
On to Cairns the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef