After a long delay on the plane we made it to the beautiful waterside city of Sydney. Dylan was exhausted and decided it was time for a nap on the comfy bed in our room at the Menzies. After his nap and a delicious lunch from a local bakery we were off to tour the Opera House.

In front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge but I am sure you all could figure that one out. The Harbour was beautiful and we have many more pictures to share with you from our ferry ride.

As we headed down to the harbour we realized we had forgotten the vital book bag! Inside was the much needed camera, oh and of course the diapers! Turning back to the hotel Rory and I doubted we would make it to the Opera House for our tour that afternoon. Frustrating yes, but a part of life. Little did we know that the Lord was taking extra special care of us! We made it to the last tour of the day. The best part was the concert hall had just opened for the tour due to earlier performances. At the time we were touring, they were setting up for that evenings performance of Handel's Messiah. Oh how we would have loved to come back to soak in that performance. No need to be worrying because the Lord had His perfect plan for which we are grateful!

Hurricane alley - named due to the wind tunnel effect between the two buildings.

Inside the opera house, we were only able to take pictures in the common areas. Above is a picture of the main lobby area outside of the concert hall.
Because we were unable to take pictures, we did buy a postcard and wanted to share with you the inside view; we scanned in this picture of the concert hall.
The inside of the concert hall was magnificent - everything was made of two types of wood: walls and ceiling are Australian white birch and the floors and stairs are Australian brush box hardwood.
The acoustics in the hall were made especially for orchestras, even the lighting over head is made to enhance the sound! I wish I could remember everything the gentleman told us about the hall, but Dylan decided to make his "singing" debut. As we left the concert hall another man on the tour joked with us that we could now tell everyone our son sang in the Sydney Opera House.

"Tomorrow" our Sydney tomorrow that is, we will share our bus tour with you.
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