Dylan and Mom had a great time making Christmas cookies this year:) As you see below we even took a break to play the drums on the refrigerator with the measuring spoons:)

I am personally a very messy cook must be part of the reason I hate the clean up;) Dylan wasn't so bad we only had a little more of the ingredients on the floor than normal:)

This is one of my favorite aspects of clean up:) Obviously Dylan was enjoying it as well

Don't ask what the front blobs are - Dylan thought they were neat so we kept them.
(excuse all the boxes on the counter we are moving in 9 days)

waiting waiting waiting - the hardest part of cookie baking!

"I like it!"
1 comment:
What a little man!! How fun that his is cooking with you. Drew used to love doing that with me. Can't wait to see pics of your new house. I'm sure it's hard to leave FL. I was going to call you when I heard the Urban Meyer news-Wow!!
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