Below is a picture taken today. He was not in the mood to smile for me since he had a lot on his mind - he just kept talking and talking. So this is a picture of him mid-speech:)
He is quite the talker- uhmm wonder where he got that from?

He got a good report from the Doctor:)
13 lbs 6 oz and 24 inches long
He received 3 shots:( When the Dr gave him the first one he either kicked her or got his leg loose. (I wasn't paying attention I was talking with him and doing my best to comfort him) She looked up at me and said so are you training your son as well (she knows I am a personal trainer) He is very strong. She had to bring a nurse in to help hold his legs down while he received his other two shots. He screamed during the shots but not too long afterwards he was down to a whimper then asleep. He did really well but since mom wasn't proactive on the Tylenol when it wore off he was upset. We had a crying fest for about a half an hour Monday afternoon, but for the most part he just whimpered and wanted mom to hold him.
I am happy to report that he is back to his smiling and talking self again. Monday he didn't say much and didn't smile - I receive looks that said mom why did yo make me feel this bad? It was pitiful.
I cannot believe two months have gone by already - how time flies. My nephew is as adorable as ever :o)
Kim, I can't believe that he looks so "mature", your little one is quite the little man :)! He is too precious. Love you all three bunches and bunches.
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