Yesterday was Dylan's first big game day!! To start off the day, he finally decided to part from his umbilical cord and the cord fell off. We were worried because it was sticking around but the Dr.'s said it was fine for now. Now we know he was just waiting for the Big Day, his First
Gator Game!!

Just before a walk at the park, his cord fell off!! Dad held up the prize, yuck! It promptly found it's way to the trash!!

The new and improved belly with an "innie"

What a cute Gator family!!

Dylan was decked out in his Gator gear with Mom...

...and Dad! He learned some things from Tebow (300 passing yards in his first start) and will perfect them over the years. Look out SEC teams, here comes Dylan!!
You look so pretty. We are enjoying slightly cooler weather here- reminds me of fall and of course football season. :)
Wish you guys could have been there! It's just not the same without the Fredrick family. Dylan gets cuter and cuter every time I see him!!
Savannah had a stubborn cord, too- I think it took 4-5 weeks to fall off! I got SO sick of sponge baths. Is wear she was filthy by the time it finally came off!
Love you guys and miss you! Go Gators!
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