It was Saturday in our part of the world so Dylan has his gator shirt on.
I must say that he was quite serious taking in all the other riders on our trip out to Yokohama. Of course as soon as someone smiled at him, Dylan was ready to go with endless smiles of his own.
Sumimasen shashin o turo kudasai?
(excuse me, take a picture please)
If you know me than you know I was going to try and figure this phrase out very soon:)
I am sure I sound uneducated in the way I put the sentence together but hey they understand what I am getting at. Plus I am being polite trying Japanese and saying please
On the ride home Dylan was a little harder to entertain. The novelty of it all had worn off and he was still in his stroller! Holding on was something he found wonderful. Can't you tell by his expression:) Ok so I thought it was wonderful because when he was holding on he wasn't screaming.
Round two goes to the Gaijin's Kim and Dylan. As you can see in this last picture we found Tokyu Hands in Yokohama. Not an easy feat. This was also Dylan's first train ride but not even close to his last. We will be veterans (we hope) by the time we return to the states. At which point in time I may kiss my highlander!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh I never get tired of that smile. Sounds like in no time you are going to be pros at getting around :o) Love and miss you!!!
So glad that Round 2 was a success...Dylan looks as adorable as ever! Miss you guys...XOXOXO
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