Walking is hurting both Dylan and I! You can't tell very well in the picture to the left but he has a huge bump on his head. Earlier today when we went to lunch with Yoko, my calligraphy teacher, he fell and slammed his head on the floor. I of course was very concerned, but he seemed fine after the initial cry. Later this evening, I was relieved to see the swelling had gone down. Then not even 5 minutes after I had thought how wonderful, my sweet baby takes another dive. He hits the same spot on our very uncushioned (yes I made this word up but it so fits) carpet! OUCH!!!!!!!!!
Below I have posted a wonderfully sideways video of Little man walking. Every time he comes around a corner or I see him walking through the room my heart soars! August 24th his 13mon mark and his Daddy's b-day Dylan took 6-7 steps into my out stretched arms. He has been working on it ever since. If he wants to get some where quickly he still crawling, but his walking is coming along - painfully I might add.
OK Please forgive me for turning the camera when shooting this. Little man is in bed at this point and I need to post this so I can continue with my million and one other posts. Please turn your head and be thankful it isn't long so you don't have to get a kink in your neck:)
Ohh look at him!! He is growing up so fast, Kim! I can't stand it, seriously.
BUT the good thing about laptops is, I can just turn the computer on its side and watch it over and over again- and my neck is intact!
Miss you all!
Awwww! I can't believe he's walking! He's so cute and growing much too fast! Poor little forehead :) Both of my kids kept bruised up foreheads for a while after they started walking. Love you!
Oh Kim, look how cute he is walking. Caleb didn't seriously walk until he was almost 15 months. It's funny how babies do things at different times.
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