We awoke to an overcast rainy day so Mom's beach idea was out the window. Uhmm what to do? I then remember this play area at the mall near the base so we headed out with rain gear in tow. Little man was really in the mood to hear some off key singing so he continued to say more mommy more. The rain continued as the world cried listening to me sing the ABCs, I am a C, C-H, I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N, and I have the joy joy... Dylan was happy and so was I so other people could just plug their ears;) The best part is hearing D sing along. He has is own words but they seem to fit. Also during the joy song when I ask where he points to his heart! I sure am going to miss our long walks to get places - there is so much world to investigate when you walk everywhere. Dylan is sure to point everything out and ask "Whas That?"
Here we are about to head in and play! You have to love Dylan's grimaces
- no more real smiles for the camera
no helped needed on this electric see-saw
"Whoa" and I am quoting as you can see by his expression:)
These little deals spin around in circles but not like those dreadful tea cups at Disney - much slower
The balloons were flying everywhere thanks to the four fans strategically placed around the play area.
Riding on the Road Runner - not sure if at is who it was supposed to be. It was a big road runner looking bird.

- no more real smiles for the camera

Developing that passing precision for his future;)
(notice the Pappas tongue he was concentrating on what to type)
I am just happy that Dylan decided against making the elephant sound thus saving everyone from getting a Dylan shower!
Mommy tried to make an Elmo cake.
He loved the windshield wipers!

No Dylan is not pointing at he cake. He is sneaking his finger into the icing.
Thank you everyone for your generosity!
Daddy we missed you but are looking forward to all the other birthdays you get to be home for!!!!!!!! Here is to our future as civilians and no more missing Daddy!
Oh my word, that little guy has grown up so much!! I just love seeing his adorable little face :) Happy Birthday sweet Dylan!
We finally got our official moving dates and it looks like we will be out of Virginia one week from today. It's been crazy around here! Sorry for my lack of communication lately...it's about to slow down. You know, once we actually get to LA and then get Jillian in school and then maybe I can stop to breath before this baby comes? Love you girl!
Happy Birthday little D!! I wish they had cool stuff like that in our malls! Looking forward to giving you your present!
p.s. Kim that cake was great!! U rock!
Happy Happy second Birthday Dylan!!! I cannot believe it has been a YEAR since we saw you guys.... and that you will be home before we know it!
We were in NC on Friday and I was so bummed I had no way of emailing you or anything to tell him happy birthday!
Love the pics!! He is such a little man and I cannot believe my nephew is two!!
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