We are wishing you all a wonderful 4th of July!
Dylan and I had a great day and want to share it with you.
We started the morning off participating too slowly in the Paul Revere 5k. With my bum knee which was diagnoses as over worked (probably due to Fred Flinstoning it), we had to stay low key no high impact. I am ashamed to say that I did not enjoy the first half of the race. My competitive juices were ruining my mood. All I could think about was who could I possibly pass while speed walking. Right as I came up on the halfway turn around, I was hit hard with a blow to my heart. There running towards me was a boy who could not be any older than 10 years and my mood instantly changed to one of gratitude! The little boy was running full of courage and determination and without any arms. The rest of the race, I greeted everyone with smile and prayed that the Lord continue to give that boy courage, steadfastness and determination as he faces life.
After the race, we cleaned up and headed to the beach! Not your typical trip to the beach. We walk for 30-40minutes, take a train as you see above for 10-15minutes and then walk another 10-15 minutes.
Loving the sun, sand and waves!

I had to take pictures of the Zushi Beach Lifeguards. Check out the hats!

Back home Dylan went down for a nap
before we continued to celebrate America's Independence Day.
We had a not so tasty dinner out at the open base event. An open base event is when the Japanese nationals are allowed on. They joined in our July 4th party - strange but why not share the fun.
Then Dylan has an absolute blast in one of those moon walk/jumpy things.

It was his first experience and he was hooked so was mom since the joy on his face was priceless!
After jumping Dylan and I spent some time listening to a Beatles Tribute Band.

I had one of those moments: Dylan was standing in front of me enthralled by the music, I was playing with his strawberry blond hair thinking these are the times that make life worth living. The small yet priceless moments! To top it off my boy turned around and kissed my knee!!
I am a blessed mommy that's for sure.
We sure did enjoy our 4th of July hope you do was well.
Ps. I would love to promise to get caught up on our posts as well as to post more regularly but I won't. I only make promises when I know I can keep them. Considering we are moving back to the states August 8th (wow one month and four days) there is a lot to get done! I will try to post because we had some amazing family time with Rory's parents, my Mom and sister Joanna which I would love to share.
Oh, Kim!! I loved these pics! Dylan is so grown up and I can't wait to see him again! Of course, by the time you are back in the states, I'll probably be settled in LA but we will have to work something out!!
Love this post Kim - what a great and special day Mom and her baby boy had (although he is not a baby boy anymore)! The countdown is on and we cannot wait for you guys to be back in Florida so that the boys can play together!!
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