My friend from church Kim (nice name) took Dylan and I out for a birthday dinner on the 7th of November. Thank you Kim we had a great time and now I have a place to share with Rory when he gets home!

Kim is getting into the Japanese spirit of posing with a peace sign:) Kim & Kim:) and our boys. The other Kim has been blessed with 4 boys Eli, Ethan, Evan and Elliot- precious young men! In the car on the way to dinner the boys were having a great time. I loved how Dylan kept trying to join in. Every now and again you would suddenly hear a burst of random gibberish added to the noise. Eli, Kim's oldest, was great with Dylan including him in the fun during the car rides and allowing him to join in with the pocky stick dessert (feeding him little pieces that is:)).

We took up half the establishment:)

Kim and Kim

Elliot and Dylan sitting patiently before dinner was served. How about that awesome booster:) When Rory was here in town we found it at the Nex it folds down small enough to fit in my bag! It is a must here in Japanese since there is never a booster seat or high chair for little man.

I didn't get a picture of the best part of the meal the goyza which are like pot stickers if you are familiar with what those are. This bowl of ramen was also tasty plus they had sides you could add in. The sides included garlic chips, minced ginger, bean sprouts, corn, bamboo, and a couple different sauces. The food was great and freshly prepared as you see in the picture above this one. I did try one of the sheets of sea weed. Not bad but not my favorite part of the meal. Though they were the fanciest part since they had a gold decoration imprinted on it;)
Wonderful night out!
You know, Mommy brain set in and I hardly even realized it was November.... and then when I looked at a calendar and saw it was November 10th I could have kicked myself- HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday (very belatedly!) Kim!!!!! I hope you had a fantastic day, it looks/sounds like you did!
Hey Kim! Happy Belated birthday! I am in a big 'goyza' kick right now- I made a bunch of dumplings the other day, so I had to laugh when I read that you had the real thing. yum!
Love you-
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