For those of you who are curious or just want to know what we call home, I have decided to post pictures of our place. This is not like an MLS listing with the full video or each area but at least you can get an idea of our apartment.
This first shot is from the front door

Here you are looking into the kitchen from the entrance way. The door at the far end is the pantry. You saw that in my earlier post about our strollers aka cars
long view from the same angle
This is our living room/office/kitchen nook

long view from the same angle

Our "couch" a really lumpy futon from the spare bedroom then it was in Dylan's room

Here the the kitchen nook - gotta love the patio furniture ;)
You are looking back towards the front door from the hallway

Does this really count as a hall?
Notice in the picture below where his blankets are located. One morning he asked to put them up on the railing. He did this by action not speaking obviously. He picked up his blanket walked it the the rail and tried to place it up there. He does this almost every morning. I guess the boy wants to "make" his bed we will see how long that lasts:)

Do you see the mats on his floor? Some of the best money I have ever spent on toys for him. It all started with a small square that had the alphabet cut outs in it. It was a dollar and he still loves it!!! So when I saw these large cubes with the numbers and shapes we bought them. Dylan can't get enough of them. He carried the little pieces around, stuffing them in shoes, under pillows, etc... He wears the big ring around his neck - his idea I didn't put it there. We will work on putting all the pieces back together multiple times a day. He now shrugs his shoulders with his hands in the air to say he doesn't know where a piece is. It is then time for a treasure hunt. I could rave about these forever! He can learn his shapes, fruit, numbers, colors. OK OK I will stop but the two of us have had and will continue to have hours of fun with these inexpensive mats!

Try not to get lost when you enter the bathroom. Also stand to the side or you won't get the door closed:) The shower curtain barely fits between the counter and the tub it is that close
Entering the master bedroom
The door that you can barely see in this picture leds out to a shared balcony and the fire escape stairwell. A little drafty now that it is cold. The cold air rushes in there at through the oven vent. I wouldn't say sealing the windows and doors of this place was a priority.
As you can see we brought our guest bedroom furniture with us.
We also left the headboard behind so I got creative

If you would like to see the floor plan you can go back to my posts in June. I have the floor plan there under 73 Nanaban
Hope you enjoyed the tour:)

Here the the kitchen nook - gotta love the patio furniture ;)
You are looking back towards the front door from the hallway

The door that you see directly in front is Dylan's room. He is napping thus it is closed.
How about that fire alarm being right over his doorway. Yeah I still owe you all a story about the fire alarm.
The double doors on the right open to an awesome storage space.
Our bedroom is to the right of Dylan's as is the bathroom
Prior to getting to Dylan's room going down the grand hall you will come to the laundry room on the left. Here is a picture below of our laundry room. I am personally thrilled with this room of the apartment - because we have it!! I would hate to have to go to a community laundry room. I would for sure feel like I was back in college.
Now you will be entering Dylan's room

Now you will be entering Dylan's room

Do you see the mats on his floor? Some of the best money I have ever spent on toys for him. It all started with a small square that had the alphabet cut outs in it. It was a dollar and he still loves it!!! So when I saw these large cubes with the numbers and shapes we bought them. Dylan can't get enough of them. He carried the little pieces around, stuffing them in shoes, under pillows, etc... He wears the big ring around his neck - his idea I didn't put it there. We will work on putting all the pieces back together multiple times a day. He now shrugs his shoulders with his hands in the air to say he doesn't know where a piece is. It is then time for a treasure hunt. I could rave about these forever! He can learn his shapes, fruit, numbers, colors. OK OK I will stop but the two of us have had and will continue to have hours of fun with these inexpensive mats!

Try not to get lost when you enter the bathroom. Also stand to the side or you won't get the door closed:) The shower curtain barely fits between the counter and the tub it is that close

If you would like to see the floor plan you can go back to my posts in June. I have the floor plan there under 73 Nanaban
Hope you enjoyed the tour:)
We call it home but it does remind me of a dorm/time share complete with the plastic base boards and indoor outdoor carpet
Oh yeah did you notice the neat black shelf? That is our largest souvenir. I bought it at the Asian Bazaar here in Yokosuka. It will work in our home back in the states and be a conversation starter
OK better run it is a matter of hours before I need to be looking sharp!!!!!!
I love it!! I think it's adorable and very homey :) When does Rory get there? I've been wanting to call you but we're all sick AGAIN so I haven't had the chance! I will soon, though but I don't want to interrupt family time :) Love you!
Absolutely adorable!!! I love the Florida poster in the "dining room" You've done a great job of decorating Kim- hope you are enjoying every second with Rory... Love
You all!!
Wow...your appartment looks great. Alot better than I would have thought. We have that same bedspread in our guest room. I love reading your blogs. They make me laugh.
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