The morning of my b-day, Emily picked us up and we went shopping at D2. I was hoping to find Christmas present but instead found this attitude you see below. Dylan didn't want to shop or even enjoy mom's birthday - maybe it disturbs him that I am getting older:)

Here comes the best part of my birthday well if you don't count the wonderful make you miss home conversations with family I had in the morning.
I have always "played" with Dylan at the park and playgrounds. Hovering behind him so he didn't fall and hit is head or break something. I will not always be this kind of mom but come on he is only 15 months old.
Here is what happens when mom takes a step back:)

Dylan climbed the steps all by himself without falling backwards. Whoa!!
Next are some horrible quality pictures. I zoomed in and captured Dylan's big boy adventure. Check out the great faces he is making
yea Mom I can do this!!

But did I surprise you or what mom!
Trying to keep up with the big boys
The fun of showing this American boy the happy meal toy spills outside

It was beautiful to see the girls showing Dylan how the toy worked.
It was precious how he kept looking out of the opening for mom.
I was there camera in hand:)
I was there camera in hand:)

Below shows the friendships that children can build in 1-2minutes. I could not see in the front of the play area anymore because so many children were piled in playing together

It was beautiful to see the girls showing Dylan how the toy worked.
He would then play with it and hand it back all on his own:) What a sweetie pie makes you forget how much fun he made the shopping trip.
So wonderful to see Dylan having all that fun. I can't wait to be there to share in his joy. How amazing that we have such a wonderful little boy! I love you both!!
Okay, if he is not the spitting image of his daddy- those shots of him playing, all zoomed in.... that is allll Rory! So funny!
I wonder, if you have a girl, would she be a mini-Kim?
Happy Birthday Kim!
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