Saturday, April 21, 2007

Nursery Update

Hello All

We have had the border up for a while now, but I have been bad about showing you all. It was the first time Rory and I have ever put up border in our lives, but it went rather well after the first strip that is:) You can see the border and the wall color as well as part of the shelves with Teddy bears in the one picture. I do realize that the bears still have their tags. I don't have them in their final spots as I am still waiting on one bear. The second picture is the sailor baby lamp that will be on top of the small 4- drawer chest next to the rocking chair. Mom F bought the baby this lamp - thanks. You may not be able to tell but the bear is holding a shell to its ear and wearing a sailor's dixie cap. Behind the lamp you can barely see the crib. I didn't take a picture of it yet because I have not ironed the crib skirt nor tied the bumper on right. Anyways as I just mentioned, we do have the bumper and the crib skirt both blue and white gingham which matches the border and the curtains. The only piece of furniture we have left to get for the nursery is my great grandmother's rocker back from the man doing the refurbishing. My next project will be the decorations - Rory and I are working on putting together a puzzle which will be one of the pictures, another poster I have needs a frame, and I will be putting together a shadow box/scrapbook page of sorts which won't be fully finished until I get prints of our little child's feet to go inside (hard to explain but eventually I will have a picture up for you to see what I mean) The room is coming along - it definitely looks like we are expecting a baby.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


The Prego Ladies of the Day
- Melannie White (my cousin's wife) and I showing off our precious belly bundles
Aunt Patti, Melannie, Me and Mom

How cute is the Bear Cake!
My Sisters and I

Mom Fredrick, Megan and I

Aunt Cary, April and me (again)

Jen Davis and I

Aren't the favors so cute -Thanks Mom F and Megan

We started off the shower making onsies and t-shirts. What I mean - Everyone picked a picture and tracked it one a onsies or t-shirt then colored it in. A very cute idea for our little babies to wear someday. All of the creations were so very cute.
Then of course we ate and visited - really great food!!!
Melannie and I opened presents- there were so many wonderful gifts (Thank you)
More visiting and then we called it a day - I was tired but very happy

Thank you to all of the family and friends that attended!! I had a great time and Baby Fredrick got many wonderful presents. Everyone was so generous. Thanks again

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


My Sister-in-law sent me this great picture and I had to put it up on my blog.
Isn't this picture the best!
(so Jojo do you like it - hehe)