Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dylan Update

Mr. Dylan was back at the Doctor's office yesterday. I am happy to report everything is wonderful with our little man, but getting shots can be heart wrenching! (for mom that is)
Dylan is now 11lbs 11.6 oz and 23 inches long - a growing boy! I guess he better be growing as much as he eats.
Dylan's Pops & Gau-Gau visited this past weekend. It was Dylan's big personality debut. He has started to coo and smile. He loved smiling at Gau-Gau and was very interested in Pop's hairy hands. Gau-Gau is the special one who Dylan responded to first with a smile. He couldn't have picked a more precious lady, but of course he could have graced his mommy with one first:)

I must say Dylan stole even more of my heart yesterday. He smiled back at me twice. Once when I was putting him in his car seat and again when we were cuddling on the couch. The one on the couch was just precious. He was staring up at me so I smiled at him and instantly he smiled back. I am so excited that my little man is starting to share his personality with us.
I have tried to photograph the elusive smile - some day I will capture it and share with you all.


Tami@ourhouse said...

Hi Kim! I loved the photos of Uncle Brian with Dylan. So sweet. I'm so glad your parents both got to enjoy Dylan's emerging personality.

We are still WAITING! I forgot how long the week stretches leading up to the due date. My other little ones are being so precious while Mommy slows down a lot.

Your last post to Rory was just so thoughtful. Scott and I enjoyed the sweet outfits you put on Dylan. Watching Scott with his boys is one of the greatest sources of joy for me (of course, Sophie has her own very special relationship with her daddy).

We are praying we get him another third cousin one of these days!!

Nikki said...

Those pictures brought tears to my eyes. Awesome!!
So glad that the little man lost the funny tummy...and started to smile. That might be the reason that he was smiling :)!!!