Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Dancin' Dylan

We discovered just the other day that Dylan loves to lay on his floor mat and stare at the colorful star at the top which plays music and has blinking lights. We caught him today on the camera. Unfortunately our small camera does not have sound and our big camera is in for repairs. But here is the little man himself having a blast!!


ben&joanna said...

He's so adorable!!! It's so nice when they can "play". Hope you guys are having lots of fun!

Joanna (and Sean)

Nikki said...

Wow, he is just precious!! Love seeing the updated pics :).

Tami@ourhouse said...

Love it! We have had that Symphony in Motion mobile and our babies have loved to dance to it.

Will you send me a quick email? I want to catch you up a bit.

Mom says hello, by the way! She has to leave in a couple of days and I am going to miss her (and being able to stay in bed with Caroline until late...)