Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dylan's 25 Random Things List

On Facebook there is a 25 Random Facts list going around lately. I have found it fascinating to read friends and family's random facts. So I thought Dylan could fill one out as well to share with all the blog followers.

25 Random things
ShareRules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

Here is goes for Dylan:

1) I love throwing away trash and will search for the tiniest speck to throw away

2) I have started to ask daily to watch sports by pointing at the television and saying ball. Football or Basketball works for me

3) My favorite shape is a tar (star)

4) I have a ready smile that I hope brings joy to others - I know it does for mama and dada!

5) Errands can be fun. Since we walk we can point out trees vs bushes, birds, letters on signs, trash cans, cars, trucks, bus and vans.

6) I love elmo which makes my parents marvel at sesame streets marketing. See I loved elmo and could say his name when I had only seen him on my diapers and one show

7) When I fall I say boom. Sometimes I ask for a kiss, show you where I fell then I am on my way.

8) When dada is at work I ask where he is. When mama replies that he is at work, I associate that he went out the door. I tell mama door with a nod of my head.

9) I love playing in the bath but hate getting my face washed

10) Kisses are great! I need to kiss both your cheeks and will blow kisses as I leave you. Mom and Dad don't understand why but I also kiss my toys, the couch and pretty much anything I love at the moment.

11) I am working on my manners along with please and thank you I am working on maam maam maam (oh yes it must be multiple times) and tir (sir)

12) Mu (music) makes me dance, clap, run and request more especially "The wheels on the bus", "itsy bitsy spider" and "Amazing Grace"

13) I know my limits - I go up to the nos in the house, hover my hands over them saying no. Just to keep my parents on my toes I still test the limits every now and again.

14) Slides are so much fun - the taller the better

15) I can gator chomp and do every time I see a alligator. It looks like I am clapping but I promise it is chomping.

16) Letters are amazing! I point them out everywhere I go and can correctly identify the majority of the capital letters. Y, F and M are my current favorites.

17) Trucks!! What isn't to love about trucks. I like to hear them outside, point to them as they drive by, read about them, play with them and have clothes with pictures of trucks on them.

18) Sleep is a huge necessity in my life. I take daily naps that range from 2-4 hours and sleep 11-12 hours a night.

19) Every time I sneeze I think I need a tissue and ask for one regardless of if I truly need one.

20) I want almost everything put away where it belongs. My dirty clothes go in the laundry basket, all shoes must be in the closet, the remotes must be on top of the tv, but my toys can be everywhere!

21) You can find me reading a lot with or without my parents

22)Even though I was named Dylan by my parents I call myself baby

23) I earned my first dollar, which was actually yen, at the ripe old age of 17months (modeling in Japan)

24) I help Dada take out the trash by carrying the recycling. It always elicits an aww from my mama!

25) Eating well if you could make a formula using the phases of the moon, day of the week, ancient agricultural calendar of Japan, and the number of hours since my birth, you would know if I was going to eat the food set before me. When I do eat I will eat anything beans, squash, bread!!, asparagus it really doesn't matter as long as I am in an eating stage I won't refuse it.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Awww, I loved reading about Dylan! He's changed so much since last summer!!