Saturday, February 3, 2007


Week 16
The baby is about 4.3-4.6 inches from crown to rump
Above is a picture of my belly from Jan 31

I had another Dr appointment today. The Baby and I are both doing great - Thank the Lord! Baby Fredrick was very active. We were trying to get a reading on the heartbeat, but the baby literally kept doing somersaults in my belly. I must admit it was funny listening to the baby roll. The Dr. appt. was at the same time as our last one 1pm. Guess early afternoon is time to exercise for my baby since he/she has been very active at both appointments. If the baby stays this active we may have another little Rory with tons of energy! HELP:)


Jenna said...

You look so cute!!!! Give that little baby a pat and rub from the Martin family!! Miss you guys tons :)


Nikki said...

Well well well...this is for real!!! :)

Looking good!! xoxoxox

Tami@ourhouse said...

Hi my sweet cousin- I found you from Nikki's sight. You look beautiful! Congratulations on the baby. I know what you mean by all day sickness- my pregnancies have gotten a bit easier each time. This time, I'm only sick in the evenings, which is great because Scott is home by then and can take care of our other littles.
It was a lot of fun to 'catch up' with what is going on with you guys, even if it is just on the internet.
Loved those ultrasound photos. No matter how many children we have had, the excitement and wonder of seeing our baby for the first time has not worn off, not a bit.
We love you guys.
Tami (and Scott!)

shanyn said...

Hey, I lost your phone number, email and address, I have an invite to send you, can you email me at
Thanks girl, I miss you at work!