Saturday, July 21, 2007


No wonderful arrival yet! Today is the day that I never thought I would get to - especially pregnant. I thought for sure this little one would be early, but I was wrong. On our last visit to the Dr, he asked me if I have been sitting on my head. I guess the baby who was engaged last week is no longer engaged. Great, I have a stubborn child who is way too comfortable. I have been walking and exercising (doing squats and the whole works) but that doesn't seem to be working.

If Baby F doesn't decided to come in the next 6 days, I will be induced on the 27th of July. Kind of funny because my cousin's wife is going in for her c-section that same day:) I really don't want to be induced especially since my goal is to go through the labor with no drugs. Everyone start praying that this little one decides to come meet us soon.

There will be no more Dr appointments. We are in the wait and see what happens part of pregnancy. At max only 7 days until I meet my little bundle of joy!


ben&joanna said...

Can you believe it's here? I mean, I know it could still be a week, but when you think about it, one week! How exciting. I'm definitely praying for you to start labor on your own. Doc told me he wanted to induce By Friday or the following Monday (30th) at the latest, but I REALLY don't want to have to go through that. So I'm in this with you sister! Don't forget to relax (ha), and maybe go catch a couple of movies (since you won't get to go much once little "F" is here). Just try sitting through a whole movie without having to get up for the bathroom!!! Good luck on THAT one!
:) Joanna

The Martin Family said...

This Martin family is praying overtime that Baby Fredrick comes, SOON!!! We've been thinking about y'all all weekend and I know, it has to happen soon!

Tami@ourhouse said...

Hi sweet cousin! We are praying with you that your little one will be here soon. Mom checks her phone often for 'the call'. Even if you have to be induced, I pray that labor will be a joyous time for you and Rory. It has been for me each time, with and without the dreaded Pitocin.

By the way, Jared is so sweet! It will be fun to see all the babies together.