Monday, July 2, 2007


Pictures taken Thursday, June 28th one day before we hit the 37 week mark.
Mom was back up in Virginia because Baby Fredrick decided to start playing mind games with us :0) The Friday evening (about a week before these pictures) I started having contractions steadily which were 5 minutes apart. My lower back was hurting, I was nauseous, and overall I just felt weird. After more than two hours of this Rory and I weren't sure if we should go to bed and see what happened or head to the hospital. We were only at week 36 of our child's development meaning our baby would have been considered a preemie. We thought the best bet would be to call labor and delivery to see what we should do. The lady said we should come in and get checked out.
We finished up a few things at the house thinking oh my goodness this may be the real deal. Once we got to Langley I was hooked up to external monitors. The baby was doing great and I was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. When I was checked, I was 1 cm dilated and about 65% effaced. I was monitored for an hour or so with my contractions staying 2-3 minutes apart. I was given the choice of being hooked up to the monitors at the hospital or I could go home and come back when I couldn't handle the contractions anymore. The nurse figured the labor would progress and they would be seeing me later that morning (it was after midnight at that point in time) It did progress for some time I was feeling worse here at home. Slowly everything died down and by noon the next day I didn't feel good, but I wasn't having the same contractions that I was the evening and morning prior. Failure to progress.
I must say that the next time Baby Fredrick starts the whole labor deal again I am going to be skeptical. I also plan on staying here at home until I can hardly stand the contractions - forget the timing aspect I will pay attention to the intensity. Hopefully no more mind games!
We are aiming for 07-07-07


Tami@ourhouse said...

You poor girl! Mom called and told me after you guys left the hospital- I was praying for you.
I know what you mean about being skeptical next time. I am praying that it will be very clear. I have second-guessed myself so many times! It seems like each labor story is different, so there aren't any good "you are really in labor" formulas to follow that are fool-proof.
When I left for the hospital with Sophie, I told Mom I thought I'd be back soon, but I was really 5 centimeters and definitely in labor. So much for experience being a help, right?
We are so excited to hear about Baby Fredrick's arrival, and I'm praying for a smooth delivery.
Love you guys,

ben&joanna said...

Wow, sounds exciting!!! And rather nervewracking too! I've been reading several books on stories of labor, etc, and it sounds like EVERYONE has a different experience, so it's so hard to tell what's really going on it seems! I just hope and pray that everything goes smoothly for you. I haven't had any noticeable contractions, so I'm getting nervous that it means he's planning on showing up well after his due date (july 25th)! I hope the 7th works out for you, that would be pretty cool! Can't wait to see your baby! Thinking of you,

Jenna said...

You are almost there girlie!! Full term means baby Fredrick can come any day now! I'll be thinking of you and waiting to hear the news! You are all in our prayers!

Love, Jenna

Jen Davis said...

The unknown is too much! Nothing is clear cut with pregnancy which is frustrating at times. I hope the next time will be the real deal for you. It is bad enough to be late in your pregnancy in the middle of the summer in humid VA. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Rory and Baby Fredrick. Keep us posted!