Monday, December 31, 2007

Updates on Mr. Dylan

Dylan is continuing to grow so fast - it is amazing to see the difference week to week.

> On the 23rd of December Dylan feel asleep on his stomach for nap time. This is the first time that he has slept on his stomach. He has become quite the rolling pin. You can't leave him alone unless you are sure its ok for him to roll all over the place. Next step is crawling and getting into everything:)
> You can barely tell but Dylan has his bottom two front teeth. The teeth came in while Rory was out to sea. They have continued to poke through and are very obvious now when he smiles. I think it is so cute.

> Dylan can now sit up on his own though it isn't long before he leans so far forward that he turns into a sandwhich:) or at times he leans so far to the side that he topples over.

> Rory was excited to learn that Dylan began calling for him when he was out to sea. Dylan started saying Dada on the 19th of this month

> Dylan also got a big little boy bath. He sat upright in the sink at my parents home for his baths. He loved kicking and splashing in the water. Now that we are home the sling in his baby tub is stored away therefore he gets to sit up for all of his baths.

Below I have posted pictures from our trip to Florida:

Christmas at Aunt Nikki's
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Visiting Friends
(because I have posted so many pictures on each post from FL you have to hit the older post link to get to the other new posts)

Dylan stayed busy the whole visit. This is how he felt at the end of most days:)
Now that we are home it is time to recoup.


Marino said...

I can't get over how pretty he is. He is just to cute!

Tami@ourhouse said...

Loved all the photos! It was so good to finally meet Dylan in person. I would have recognized him anywhere, though, thanks to your blog. Wish we could have all been together for Christmas, but it looks like you guys had a great day.

Jaime said...

He is getting so big! And TEETH! I am so jealous. Madalyn is still bald and toothless.... :)