Saturday, April 19, 2008


Thanks for the fish Gau-Gau:)
It was too cute Dylan would crawl around my parent's family room with this plastic fish hanging out of his mouth

Here Dylan is trying to read himself a book - too bad it is upside down:) This is progress though since books in Dylan's mind used to be only good for chewing.

Dylan & Pops had some great bonding time reading

Below you can see Dylan in all his standing glory:) This little man is all about standing up because as we all know life is more fun this way:)
Dylan and I drove down to Florida for Megan's baby shower, Nikki's 30th birthday and to visit. I have added a few random pictures above. I will slowly get all the Florida pictures up on the blog, but didn't want to make a bunch of posts all at once.


Jaime said...

Maddie reads books upside down too! :) Maybe they are better that way. but such an improvement from eating them all the time! (though she still does this!) He is getting so big!

Nikki said...

Love the hat!!! Supe cute pictures as always. xoxoxo Miss you guys.

Nikki said...

Okay, that was SUPER cute pictures....oopsy!