Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nikki's 30th b-day party

Starting off with the birthday girl - Nikki
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday too you...

My precious sisters - Nikki and Joanna

My sisters and I in the following shots

Ok, If you can't tell I was a little bias as to whom I took pictures of at the party - My sisters.
Love you guys!!!

Mom with her precious grandson

Aunt Cary and Dylan get to meet:)
Ah and look friends in an instant - well that is what happens with family

Dylan and his cousin Troy.
It will be Troy who shows him a thing or two when it comes to sports. Troy was using his basketball moves out front playing a game of pick up b-ball during the party.

What a precious picture these two children take.
Dylan loves his cousin Kaelyn. They had a great time playing with each other during the party. Both Kaelyn and Austin (her big brother) were a great help with Dylan while I helped set up.

The 3 girls plus little man then Mom and her three girls

Ending with the Birthday Girl and her honey, Michael

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Wow, you did get a lot of pictures...most of those are great, but what is with my chin on that last shot??? Um, 30's hit that fast?? he he he