Saturday, January 6, 2007

Our Child's Heartbeat!

Using the Doppler the Doctor, gave us the opportunity to listen to the rhythmic beating of our precious child's heart. It was beating strong with a rate of 154bpm. I am not sure if anything competes with that sound except for maybe Rory saying I DO:)

I love technology (well at this moment I do)

You are looking at the chest/stomach of our child. Inside the dark crescent you see a circle with what looks like a line rising up and to the left. The circle is the chest/stomach area I mentioned. We were able to see the little heart actually beating - so amazing. The line is the umbilical cord. During another shot we saw the umbilical cord pumping vital nutrients into the baby.

It was quite odd - like it was doing a little dance (well a very mundane, constant dance:)) To think that was life going from my body to the child's body.

I am just blown away with the magic of the miracle inside of me.

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