Thursday, August 21, 2008


Being a home owner is truly a blessing one that is taken for granted or so I believe. Rory and I were blessed beyond what we could have imagined or even hoped for with our first home. As it turns out Terri Sue came into our lives by prayer and we were free of Terri Sue by prayer - Never discount the power of the Creator of the Universe.

Three years ago in June, Rory and I started our day out in prayer sitting in the car before meeting our real estate agent. We asked God to be in control of the home shopping and buying process. The very first home we saw that day was 610 Terri Sue Place. The house had already been under contract but had fallen through and this was its first day back on the market. Remember this was when the market was literally going crazy with homes selling between the time you contacted the agent and the time you arrived at the house 45 minutes later. I can't remember the specific number of days but the paperwork flew through. We closed on Terri Sue in record time.

Thus began a wonderful time in Rory and my life. We grew together as a couple while growing closer to our Savior. We also welcomed our first child into our family and made friendships that will last a lifetime and beyond.

Alas the time to move into a new chapter of life came upon us. We put the house on the market in January 2008. Rory and I had stepped out in faith holding fast to what we knew was the Lord's will in our lives. Keeping our family together. It was not until the last minute that we received word and had the papers in our hands that Dylan and I were approved/sponsored to move to Japan. Rory left in April and our idea of where Dylan and I were to be living did not materialize. We had these ideas of Dylan and I moving back to Fl in April or May because the house was going to be sold. When will I ever learn that God's timing is not always our timing - actually it is very unlikely to be what we are thinking timing wise. Yet we can rest assured that it is the PERFECT timing.

As the date drew nearer and nearer for us to make plans for a pack out date. I continued to ask for prayer. I knew that no matter what happened God was in control. That didn't mean that I didn't have days where I was driven to my knees (but that is where our Creator wants us - talking with Him) I must say that the majority of the days I had an overwhelming peace that the end result was going to be "So God". If our home didn't sell then He would provide the funds to keep it otherwise He would sell it. (An aside: it wasn't really our home Rory and I had given it to the Lord so it was really His problem not ours).

What is faith if you just talk about it and pray that you have it? You must take action! Our next faith step was setting up the dates for our pack out. Dylan and I were moving no matter if the house sold or not. We were very ready for the miracle by the time July 18th came around. That was the first day of our pack out. Nothing....

I was tired with all the work and preparation that I was doing for our move. I continuously prayed that the Lord give me strength to get everything done. I must say that I have a better understanding of the foot prints in the sand poem. You know it wasn't my strength or super natural strength that I thought He would give me that got me through. It was my precious Creator providing for me via other Christians. This was most obvious to me on the 19th. I had been taken advantage of by a lazy mover on the 18th who didn't want to pack everything for our express shipment - mainly the crib and vacuum. He said I was to have the crib taken apart for him and besides he didn't have tools. Also the vacuum for those of us who didn't know was furniture. Saturday started out as a low day for me. Then I began to see my Heavenly Father work. My friend Rachel called in the morning and offered to bring over dinner what a blessing Mom and I wouldn't have to worry about fixing any food. A little later my friend Heather called to encourage me. She proceed to offer to come over and clean my house the day after we left - WOW Sister what a weight off my back. Then Melissa another dear friend called to check on me, send encouragement my way and see if there was anything she could do to help. After sitting down to eat lunch my energy dipped but precious Dylan had me laughing my head off. There was the energy I needed. I was back to work when my Pops called to encourage me as well.

(On Monday a sergeant came by and worked everything out so that Dylan's crib and my vacuum would be sent to Japan via the express shipment - meaning As I write this little Dylan is thoroughly enjoying his crib apposed to a borrowed pack in play)

July 20th Sunday - the Lord's day - a day of rest. A personal conviction that I follow is that I do no work on Sundays. I did not study on Sundays through school and I do not work nor do house work on Sundays. I had told Mom on Friday that I may have an "ox in the ditch" and work on Sunday to make sure I was ready for our upcoming pack out days. By the way the "ox in the ditch" is our families slang for emergency. In the old testament if your ox fell in a ditch you were allowed to get it out even though some would consider it work. Saturday evening I knew there really was no "ox in the ditch" and I vowed to keep Sunday as my day of rest. That morning, my last morning at our beloved Liberty Baptist, the Pastor spoke directly to me. From the Gospel of Luke chapter 12 the sermon was "The Lord Knows and Cares" How perfect!

Late afternoon on that Sunday the 20th it happened!!! Our real estate agent called to tell us there had been an offer on the house. This was the first offer we had had since we put it on the market back in January. Here are some of the details - you can't tell me this wasn't the Hand of my Savior

This offer came in 3 days before I was to leave town

Cash Offer - (very rare for those of you who may not know)

Did not want an appraisal or home inspection (we had done an inspection earlier that year)

Wanted to close by July 30th

Money was available Monday the 21st (this the part my agent said was tricky - the potential buyers money would be available in 4 days to 2 weeks but it was available the next day)

We closed by Friday the 25th

We were the happiest homeless couple ever!

It is amazing how the Lord provided us a beautiful home in a sellers market and sold our home for us in a buyers market 3 days before I left town. He does have a sense of humor and is so faithful to those who truly believe He is Lord.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I am still so amazed by how the Lord worked this out for you. Honestly, the way you served Him and the way He worked things out for you gave me the strength to continue in faith (though still on my knees, like you said) with our school situation. Amazing, indeed. Love you girl.