Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Orientation Day Two

Today was much more interesting. Our orientation is called AOB/ICR which stands for area orientation brief and inter-cultural relations. Today was the ICR part which I thoroughly enjoyed. I am a lover of history therefore all of the speakers in one way or another piqued my interest in Japan. This is due to the fact that many of the manners, attitudes, traditions and habits of the Japanese people are deeply rooted in their fascinating history. With a renewed sense of adventure they are sending us off on a field trip tomorrow. In the morning, we meet back at the theater where the briefs have been held all week, are briefed on the public transportation system and then walked down the blue road to the train station. At that point we are released like new chicks pushed from the nest. I am sure there will be many of us that fall flat, but "they" know this may happen. Kindly they will be providing us with a green card or two if we choose to hang one around our neck in front and back:) The green cards are not what you normally think of when you hear green card - these are potential life savers. On one side printed in English is the phrase "I am lost please take me to Yokosuka Naval Base" on the other it is printed in Japanese. At least we hope that is what it says in Japanese and not something about the stupid Gaikoku jin (pronounced "guy jean" -it means foreigner) from Yokosuka Naval Base:) Ah to trust
I originally wanted to head out and sight see, since I will be child free, taking time for pictures from all angles of a gorgeous shrine or temple . Alas the weather is projected to be windy and rainy. Great day to learn how to travel around Japan. I have chosen to try and get to Tokyu Hands a 8 story craft store. I will have to change trains multiple times but I am praying the motivation of an 8 story Michaels will keep me going. I already know there will be tons of praying tomorrow as I will be without a doubt thrust out of my comfort zone. I have practiced a few Japanese words and will report back tomorrow to let you know how many I had the opportunity to use.
This will be my second outing. Though the first was a short walk, 1 block, to a mall down the street from the base. It was a 6 story mall - fascinating! I promise to tell and get pictures up from that mini outing.
I am off to get rest before the train adventure

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