Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is it a V6, V8, or 2 Leg?

Dylan, sitting in our "SUV", is showing you our parking space. We actually have a really awesome spot only one row away from the entrance to our tower, but it would be a little inconvenient to park our "SUV" there. Not to mention strange:)

We are lacking horse power in our garage, but we have 3 "vehicles" to choose from with a fourth on the way - wow are we uptown or what. All are powered by yours truly - I am getting tired just writing about it.
You have seen the "SUV", we also have a jogging "sports car", a "compact car" and our "mini cooper" is due to arrive with our furniture. I had to give in and buy the "compact car" because I made a mistake and didn't send our umbrella stroller with my express shipment. The other two strollers are rather hard to travel in other's cars and on the tour bus.

Our garage better known as the pantry. I love the space! It is the only thing in this apartment that I think would serve me well if I had it in my home when I moved back to the states.

"Fred Flintstoning"and "Hoofing it" are two of the ways I describe how Dylan and I get around. Of course there is also the homeless option. This is when I take a shopping cart from our tower. Walk to the commissary with it. Leave it outside the commissary (it isn't allowed in) After I buy my groceries we have to transfer carts then walk home looking like really rich bums with a cart full of bags.

Below you see the only buy a few items at the commissary option. Then I can use my "SUV" and myself. You know us ladies have many "hats" we wear - daughter, sister, wife, friend, mom, some profession, cook, baker, maid, PACK HORSE????? Oh yes my dear friends this is a title that I have added. It can be very exhausting!!!!

At least Dylan helps me unpack once we get home

Not that I have ever not been fine with the fact that I am low maintenance and un-girly girlish but oh am I ever grateful now.
Think about it everywhere I go I walk.
In my mind my feet are no longer the "cute" feet that can wear adorable heels they are tires. I do make sure that I have my toe nails painted I mean come on people get to put rims on their wheels. I mostly wear flip flops or tennis shoes because if I sprain an ankle I am home bound for sure not to mention who wants to be "hoofing it" it cute shoes. For church, I walk there in flip flops and change my shoes one street before I get there - cute huh.
I wear make up some days but others there really is no point. By the time you get somewhere it has melted off. The Japanese carry sweat rags. No Lie! One girl ran off the train to grab one from her mom before hoping back on. They carry them around to wipe the inevitable sweat off their face. I may have to find some of those.

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