Sunday, September 21, 2008

No Cyclone - Earthquake Anyone?

Ok close your eyes and picture this with me- oops open your eyes so you can read:)

Sunday morning dawns and you snuggle down into your pillows. Your sweet son is jabbering on the monitor as you stretch enjoying the warmth of your bed and smiling that truly your life is wonderful. Then you begin to glide back and forth. Your eyes spring open as you try to understand what is happening. In a matter of seconds you are computing numerous facts, as your bed literal swings towards the wall and away several times. You know your bed is not on wheels, your are not on a sailboat out to sea, nothing is crashing to the floor but the plant on the dresser in front of you is swaying as each individual leaf shakes, of course you had to grab your glasses off the night stand to see this. There is a blessed assurance in the plant moving! It means your aren't physically losing it. At this point you are not enjoying the warmth and comfort of a swaying shaking bed so you jump out hoping the floor is steady and brings you a feeling of normalcy. Ah relief the earthquake is over and your son is still sweetly talking about what a glorious morning he thinks it is.

Ok open your eyes - hee hee. How was your first Japanese earthquake experience?

I must say the Lord plans things very interestingly! Just last Sunday, I was having lunch with two ladies from church when the topic of earthquakes came up. Thankfully one of the ladies was raised here in Japan and described to us what it felt like. I know without a doubt I would have been very concerned and very possibly afraid had I not known what I was experiencing. Of course, I didn't fully comprehend it at first since I was still in the fog of sleepiness. Isn't our God great! He prepared me for this event. My first earthquake and nowhere near my last from the sounds of things. Remember nothing is a coincidence!

The earthquake took place at 7:17am in Chiba. I believe Chiba is about 30 minutes away. I know we drove through it on the way here from the airport in Tokyo. The magnitude was a 4.8. A friend of mine at church, same lady who heard about earthquakes with me last week, didn't feel it. She lives in Ikego a military housing area off base which is actually closer to Chiba. This morning at church I learned that those of us who live in towers feel the earthquakes more than those in homes. Yea so the 7th floor brings us some excitement!

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