Saturday, September 6, 2008

Raining Indoors - Is It Possible?

Do you think it is possible for it to rain indoors?
I am beginning to believe it may be possible in Japan, but am trying hard not to find out.
Ever since we moved in I have been debating if the carpet is cool from the a/c or damp same with my sheets. Then there was the kitchen sponge which continued to tell me I was REALLY messy. It never dried even when I had not used it to clean. My goodness I knew I wasn't the neatest when I washed dishes but could I really be soaking the counter that bad. It finally dawned on me! The sponge was staying wet for the same reason our bathroom towels took ages to dry - this apartment is damp. The molding door mat in my room was proof. I was happy to realize that I wasn't loosing my mind. I didn't know if thinking your house was moist was part of losing your mind :)
As you can imagine, especially those of you with allergies, my sinuses have been losing the war which has been raging since we moved here. I finally gave in and went to the Doctor :( No fun I am now on prescription allergy meds:( :(
OK so back to my preventing the rains. There are supposed to be loaner dehumidifiers from housing self help. Supposed was the key word in that sentence. Because they did not have a dehumidifier for me and no store on base had any damp rid containers only refills, I headed out to play decipher that picture. The damp rid is something I had heard about here - some moisture absorbing pellets in a special container.
I was successful in deciphering the pictures or so I think. I might also be keeping the moths out of my apartment not truly sure. Nevertheless sitting around the apartment (only in high places) as well as inside cabinets and closets I have "things". I have no idea what to call them but have decided from the pictures that they are to help with the moisture. Due to the encouragement of my honey, I did buy a dehumidifier for our place. Our towels dry quicker and my sheets are blessedly dry!!!!!!
The first night I had the dehumidifier, I decided to turn it off during the night. I had it programmed to bring the humidity down to 65%. Before retiring for the evening the dehumidifier's gauge showed it had achieved 65% at least in that area of the apartment. When I fired her back up the next morning the gauge read 90% humidity. Hence my question can it actually rain inside. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't 100% humidity rain? We obviously get awfully close here. Since I have no desire to see if it will rain indoors the dehumidifier will constantly run and I will pour money into the Japanese economy buying their moisture "things".
Hope you aren't having too humid of a day back in the states:) if you are think of us and don't let it rain indoors!!!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Oh Kim, you know about the humidity here in Florida! It was especially bad at the Miami game yesterday- even at midnight when the game was over! But at least we can escape the humidity when we come inside! Here's hoping your dehumidifier helps with your sinuses!